Such fond thoughts of our guiding days.. Many friends made and giggles had, storm lashing, make up bans, midnight feasts, hikes, rafting, canoeing, horse riding and of course corn beef hash and eggy bread, none of this would happened without the dedication of Mrs Cole and of course Mr Cole at our time.. Such an inspiration to many a teenager growing up and learning how to become of young women.. I salute you Mrs Cole. I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to god, to serve the Queen and to help other people and to keep the guide law. Thankyou for all you did for us. You will never be forgotten xx
Jemma Marriott-Holmes
23rd August 2024
So many memories of Elaine from my time as a Guide at 7th Wrexham guides. Always welcoming and friendly, sending love to all her family xx
20th August 2024
LOTS of very fond memories of Elaine while with 7th Wrexham Guides. REALLY enjoyed seeing her and chatting with her while she was walking with her walker around the Foster Road area. Reunited with her beloved Rowland. RIP a lovely couple.
Elizabeth Owen
16th August 2024